
Ghost in the Guitar

Title: Ghost in the Guitar
Author: Paul Shipton
Publisher (level): Penguin (3)
Tom and Katy belong to a band, Steel City. Tom is a guitarist. One day, Tom’s guitar was broken in an accident. Their band would take part in a big competition, so he bought a used guitar at once. Then he changed. He became irritable, complained about his band’s members and played guitar very well. Katy thought that he was changed by the used guitar and started to examine about it. It had belonged to a guitarist, David who took part in the competition twenty years ago. And he died after the competition. He came back as a ghost and Tom followed the same way. At last, the competition came. Tom played guitar very well and Steel City almost won. It was completely same situation as the competition twenty years ago. Katy was terrified, and she broke the guitar. Then David was gone and Tom was back.
Evaluation: 3 stars
It was impossible that a ghost in the guitar and possesses other man. But I like such stories. It was hard for me to write summary of this book.



Author: Tim Vicary
Publisher (level): OXFORD (2)
Ellen Shore had a brother whose name is Al. He became a famous rock star and rich. Ellen cleaned his big house and cooked for his parties, but he gave her nothing. So she hated him. If he would die, all his estate was going to belong to her, because there’s only Al and Ellen in their family. So she was trying to kill her brother. It was easy for her to steal drugs and syringes from hospital, because she was a nurse. Al trusted Ellen, so used the drugs. One day, Al’s strange friends froze him to save him from death. He had AIDS. But he could stay at his freezer for thousands of years with nothing to change. Then one day a doctor can cure him. Ellen’s plan fell down. So she switched his freezer off secretly. But she was caught. Then Ellen fought against Al’s strange friends in the court. But it came out that she was trying to murder her brother with dirty syringes, dirty drugs and dangerous bacteria. And she is in prison.
Evaluation: 3 stars
I thought the flow of this story is simple. But a freezer to escape from death is a surprising thing. I had never read such story. Even though the idea can come true, I don’t want to freeze.

White Fang

Title: White Fang
Author: Jack London
Publisher (level): Penguin (2)
White Fang was a young wild wolf. He liked fight and killing other animals. Then he was taken to the world of men. His owner hit White Fang hard, again and again. He was afraid of men and hated them. One day, Scott bought him. Scott didn’t hit him and were good to him. White Fang started to like Scott. And he learned to love. Then he learned many things about life in a town. He had six fat little dogs. His life is much happier than before.
Evaluation: 3 stars
This is a story about love between a wolf and his owner. I was attracted and surprised docility of White Fang. This story expresses adaptability and docility of wild animals well.



Author: Michael Duckworth
Publisher (level): OXFORD (2)
This is a story about curse of “VOODOO” in an island: Haiti. One day, James Conway came to Haiti to do business and get money, and started to change wealthy nature of the island into houses, offices, shops, etc. And he planned to break an old graveyard and to make shops there. Kee wanted to stop the plan, when he knew it, because his grandfather’s grave was in there. Kee went to meet Conway and said “I will help you if you are good to me”. Conway said “I want to live in a big house, with a lots of rooms. And, I want lots of people to clean the rooms and bring me food. I want to have a lot of money in the bank. And, I don’t want to work”. ”I’ll give you everything that you want.” promised Kee. But, the graveyard was broken. So, Kee who know how to use voodoo did a ritual of voodoo. Next day, Conway had terrible dreams, and went mad. So, he entered a hospital. But, now, he has a big place to live in, with lots of rooms. People come and clean the rooms and bring him food. He doesn’t have to work, and he’s got a lot of money in the bank.
Evaluation: 4 stars
This story is interesting. Especially, in the end of it, scene that Conway’s all hopes came true is excellent.